

Wall 4 shares similar characteristics such as the cell like shapes appearing in high contrast of light to dark hues, but all these unfold in a color palette of blues, pinks and black. The texture consists of cracks and rugged marks, fragments of a decomposing wall. Amoeba like forms are floating around in the photo. The left side of the work is airier and lighter colored in contrast to the left side of the piece, which holds the darker hues and forms. This is an image both plain and wonderful. It's different from the colors of many of the other Wall works and presents as monochromatic. The contrast effects imply a three-dimensional subject matter to the image, as if we are suspended among very close and very distant nebulae beyond our galaxy. Like other pieces from this series, there is a great amount of organic material seen within the decaying wall.Knowing that we are looking at a crumbling wall, we feel a dystopian decay, but what beauty the decay presents! 

Wall-4, 68.90 x 22.04 in. (175 x 56 cm.)

© 2019 California State University of Northridge
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