

The red in Wall-2 indicates the location of the wall: in the Forbidden City. The complex in central Beijing that currently houses the Palace Museum was the imperial palace for over 500 years, and the common populace of China was forbidden entrance. It, too, has seen decay, and the image gives a feeling of the murky past of that place, the self-contained areas, the separation between the emperor and common folks. Leaving that once powerful place behind, we can read interesting things out of the photo itself. The bright red resembles something that is being looked at under a microscope. Comparable to the composition of blood cells, the right side of the wall carries a scratchy texture one can get lost in. The contrast of color on the left side of the photo, make the biomorphic-like circles appear as clouds. The left side of the wall can be perceived as a rainstorm cloud over a mountainous terrain. The photo looks as if it was an intentional painting with a gradual scheme of dark to light across the work. Hues of gray and blue can be found throughout the layers of the exposed wall. 

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